Wednesday February 12, 2025
Votrion Technology Solutions uses industry proven methods and technologies to provide Business Strategic Planning and Improvement, Information Technology/Security Planning, Project Management, Custom Application and Web Development, Staffing Solutions, and Software Selection consulting services.

We provide a full range of comprehensive IT consulting services focused on meeting the needs of businesses through the application of specific technologies that align with the business strategy. We guide our clients in optimizing return on investments and propelling their businesses to higher levels of excellence.

At Votrion Technology Solutions, we believe in using small, experienced teams to achieve flawless execution. Our business expertise consists of experienced industry resources with at least ten years of consulting experience in the areas of:

  • Financials and Banking,
  • Auto, Life, Health Insurance
  • Distribution, Warehousing and Fulfillment,
  • Call Center,
  • Retail.

We have consultants experienced in implementing world class Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Business Intellagence(BI), and eLearning systems over 20 years.

Our project managers and technical architects have at least 10 years of experience in building and managing various commercial and custom applications. We are versatile in using main stream technologies, such as .NET and J2EE with mission critical databases from Microsoft, Oracle, Sybase, and IBM.

We use a teaming approach with the IT and Business groups of our clients to ensure success. We utilize an iterative approach to our project implementations to ensure that returns on investment begin to be realized sooner, and that each stage builds upon the prior successes.

For more information on how Votrion Technology Solutions can assist your organization in achieving your business objectives, please e-mail us at

System and Security
Infrastructure Soltions:

Microsoft Business
Middle-Tier Solutions

Election and Candidate
Management Solutions:

Vertically Centric
Enterprise Solutions

Professional Staffing